Mountain Men Inc. ("Mountain Men") is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people in our community.
Mountain Men takes a zero tolerance approach to child abuse, harm and neglect.
Mountain Men recognises that the abuse of children and young people can have lifelong catastrophic consequences and prioritises responsive and prevention action.
Mountain Men is committed to actively promoting safety and eliminating factors that lead to children and young people being harmed and abused, to ensure they can grow and thrive in safe and nurturing homes and services and child friendly communities.
Mountain Men volunteers, members, contractors and all other business and community organisations working with and alongside Mountain Men all play a part in creating a community where everyone feels confident, empowered and supported to speak up about child safety concerns. Mountain Men's Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy (2023) is aligned with new Victorian Child Wellbeing and Safety Legislation (2021). This policy can be downloaded HERE.
CHILD SAFETY - Immediate Concerns
If you are worried about a child or young person's safety, you must report:
If the child or young person is in immediate physical danger, or the concern relates to sexual abuse - call the Police 000.
A disclosure, allegation or observation is made, and you have reasonable belief that a child needs protection, report to Department of Families, Fairness and Housing Protection on 1300 360 391 or 131 278 (after hours).
If there is a concern about the safety, health, or wellbeing about a child or young person, call Orange Door Outer Eastern Melbourne on 1800 271 150.
It is important that you record what you observe in relation to your concern including the date, location and description of the child or people involved.
If you have concerns about inappropriate behaviour of a Mountain Men volunteer, member or contractor, in addition to reporting the matter to the relevant authorities as outlined above, please report your concerns to the Mountain Men Chair via email, marked Strictly Confidential:
ATN: Chair, Mountain Men